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Home Research Extending the Capacity of Mobile Devices via Cloud Offloading Techniques

Extending the Capacity of Mobile Devices via Cloud Offloading Techniques

Over the last few years, advances in the field of computer networks led to an explosive growth of sophisticated architectures which started to provide services with high scalability and elasticity, so-called Cloud Computing. Meanwhile, mobile devices such as smartphones have begun to connect to the internet due among other factors the rapid growth of wireless network technology. The easy access to the mobile Internet and the evolution of services provided by cloud computing enabled the emergence of a new area of study, the Mobile Cloud Computing. The primary challenge in such an area is to combine the two technologies in an integrated manner. In this context, the action of moving the processing from the mobile device to remote servers (called offloading) aims to increase the capacity of these devices. The objective of this project is to investigate and develop ways to extend the ability in terms of processing of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, by combining mobile computing and cloud computing. Algorithms for partitioning and distributing applications through offloading will be studied. In the end, we intend to propose more efficient mechanisms to increase energy saving.

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