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Home Research Performance Evaluation of EFT for Capacity Planning Project

Performance Evaluation of EFT for Capacity Planning Project

The Capacity Planning culture is of high importance to know precisely which computational resources are needed for the satisfaction of the processing and system data traffic needs. Besides, it’s fundamental that the dimensioned capacity can be available all the time. To achieve this, well-defined methods of contingency and high availability need to be stated.

The Capacity Planning process can bring benefits in the time of the development of the systems too. Some fundamental improvements can be showed towards the performance of the applications, using many simulation and stress process on servers environment.

Many techniques as Phase Approximation, Queuing Theory Concepts, and Petri NETs can be employed to help on the definition of the specific computational resources to the execution of the tasks. Hardware and software resources have been mathematically modeled with the help of experimental simulations. These models make possible define the number of concurrent users the system can support and the acceptable response times for the system. Also, these models can be helpful to make predictions about the aging phenomenon and for performance evaluation of rejuvenation policies applied to the system.

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