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MoDCS Workshop 2016.1

Published on March 28, 2016 by in Uncategorized

The MoDCS Workshop is an internal event that occurs every six months with the aim of spreading knowledge among their participants. Each student must present the current state of his research.

Event schedule

In this edition, the event is going to occur in 03/28/2016, from 08:00AM to 06:00PM, located at the lab G2, Informatics Center, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.

Click HERE to see the presentation schedule.

Live streaming transmission here:

All presentations are going to be available at LINK


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Conference Prof. André Brinkmann

Prof. André Brinkmann

Prof. André Brinkmann will visit the MoDCS Group on February 29, 2016, and will give a talk on “File System Scalability with Highly Decentralized Metadata on Independent Storage Devices”. The meeting will take place at the Amphitheatre of CIn, at 09:00 AM.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Brinkmann is a full professor at the Computer Science Department of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), Germany, and head of the Center for Data Processing (ZDV) since 2011. His research interests focus on the application of algorithm engineering techniques in the area of data center management, cloud computing, and storage systems.

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