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New Version of Mercury Tool Available!


The version 5.2.1 of Mercury has been released.


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that version 5.2.1 of the Mercury tool has been released to the industry and academic community.

This new version fixes a number of bugs found in previous versions.

If you are a Mercury user, we strongly recommend that you get the new version.

We hope you will enjoy it. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please report them to us.

If you do not know the tool yet and want to try it, please go to www.modcs.org and go to “Downloads” and “Mercury Tool”.

There you will get a form, sign it and download the tool.


Mercury 5.2.1 – click here to download


What’s new in Mercury?

Below we describe the fixes of version 5.2.1:

1. LOG function in CTMC. The function now accepts a single probability expression as an argument.
2. Moment matching. The module now correctly displays the Erlang subnet image.
3. Sensitivity analysis for RBDs and FTs. Under certain circumstances, the sensitivity analysis that takes into account the MTTF and MTTR of the components has resulted in an error.

What is the Mercury tool used for?

Mercury enables a range of models to be created and evaluated for supporting performance and dependability evaluations, such as reliability block diagrams (RBDs), dynamic RBDs (DRBDs), fault trees (FTs), energy flow models (EFMs), stochastic Petri nets (SPNs), and continuous and discrete-time Markov chains (CTMCs and DTMCs).

The tool has been cited in more than 140 scientific publications and used in over 18 countries worldwide.
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