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New Paper Published

We share that a recent paper has been published in the “Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments”. Master’s student Aline Do Monte developed a study under the advisor of Prof. Paulo Maciel that evaluated the impact of battery charging and discharging times on the availability of mechanical respirators in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

The availability of these devices is crucial to ensure optimal patient care in critical situations. We analyzed the system’s behavior in eight scenarios, considering changes to optimize repair times, battery charge and discharge times, and power system redundancy. The results demonstrated a 98% improvement in availability and reduced system downtime. This research contributes to understanding the critical factors that impact the availability of mechanical respirators in the ICU.

By addressing issues related to battery charging and discharging times and maintaining these devices, healthcare facilities can enhance the availability and reliability of respiratory support systems. We aim to improve patient outcomes and promote efficient resource utilization in the ICU.

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