The advantages of open relationships aren’t always obvious. Moreover, some pros may seem like disadvantages to someone. That’s why all I wrote is just my subjective opinion, mixed with an article from site. The biggest plus is, perhaps, a sense of freedom. Couples are aware of each other’ “adventures” on the side, and the relationship loses one annoying aspect – jealousy. Also, open relationships relieve a person from dependence on his or her partner. You can’t constantly live in fear of something inevitable, so you quickly accept this fear. As soon as you realize that your loved one can simply say goodbye to you at any moment and leave to seek happiness elsewhere – the fear of losing the partner disappears by itself. Of course, open relationships mean a more diverse sexual life. In ordinary relationships, you can’t afford a small affair if you suddenly want it.
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MoDCS Workshop 2012.1
The Modcs Workshop is an internal event that occurs every six months with the aim of spreading knowledge among the participants. Each student must present the current state of your research. Exception: The new group members.
In this edition, the event going to occurs in 03/16/2012, from 08:00AM to 06:00PM, and located at the Park Hotel, Rua dos Navegantes, nº 09, Boa Viagem, Recife/PE, Brazil.
Click HERE to see the presentation schedule.
All presentations can be found int this LINK.
To see the event’s photos, READ MORE: Read more…
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